Ghost Ocean Magazine is kicking off its first-annual chapbook contest! Submissions will be accepted between March 1 and June 1. In August we will choose the winning chapbook to be designed and published by Ghost Ocean Press. The winner will receive 25 complimentary copies of the chapbook from an edition of 100. Upon selling out, the printing of a second edition will be considered. First and second runners-up will also be considered for publication.
Submission Guidelines
- 15-35 pages of poetry or flash fiction
- 12 pt. Times New Roman. Poetry single-spaced; Prose double-spaced.
- Paginated; Include a table of contents if appropriate
- $10 contest entry/reading fee
- Only unpublished material will be considered – individual poems or stories may be previously published, but the work as a whole must be unpublished.
- Simultaneous submissions are, of course, acceptable. Please withdraw your submission immediately if your chapbook is taken elsewhere.
- Multiple submissions are okay but will require an additional reading fee for each additional manuscript.